Board Committees, Committee Members and Committee Charters
Material Related Party Transactions Policy
Enterprise Risk Management Framework
Insider Trading Policy
Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
The Articles of Incorporation and By-laws are consistent with Republic Act No. 11232 (Revised Corporation Code) and set the rules for JFC's relationship with its stockholders. These rules provide that stockholders have rights including the right to nominate, elect, remove, and replace members of the board of directors which can be done through cumulative voting.
Ethics and Compliance
To access a copy of the JFC Group's E&C Program, please click here.
To access a copy of the Code of Business Ethics, please click here.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
To access a copy of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, please click here.
Policy on Gifts
To access a copy of the Policy on Gifts, please click here.
Policy on Conflict of Interest
To access a copy of the Policy on Conflict of Interest, please click here.
Supplier Code of Conduct
To access a copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct, please click here.
To access a copy of the Whistleblower Policy, please click here.
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- Italy - 00-800-2002-0033
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- Vietnam - 120-85-2329
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- Canada - 1-866-921-6714
- China - 400-120-8514
- English speaking USA and Canada: 844-640-0022 (not available from Mexico)
- Spanish speaking North America: 800-216-1288
The E&C Program provides for collaborations with Jollibee Group’s Human Resources (“HR”) on E&C training for new hires and annual E&C refreshers, as well as additional training programs, including approval of initiatives made at the region level. Other collaborations with HR include designing and implementing training reinforcement programs (coaching, etc.)The E&C Training Program documents the training component of the integrated E&C Program for the Jollibee Group, and covers all employees of the Jollibee Group, whether full-time or part-time, and regardless of employment status.The Jollibee Group is not legally allowed to provide training to employees of third party contractors that it has engaged to provide services. However, it requires its third party contractors to ensure that their employees are equipped with appropriate training following their own standards of ethics and conduct, that are not inconsistent with ours.Members of the Board of Directors shall also be provided with regular updates on relevant ethics and compliance policies of the Jollibee Group in such manner as will be appropriate, as aligned among Global Human Resources, Global Legal & Ethics, and the Office of the Chairman. The E&C Training Program may be accessed here.
The Jollibee Group’s Global Internal Audit’s Ethics Policies & Procedures Review Guide provides the guidelines that sets out the overall commitments over the maintenance of high level of effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s Ethics & Compliance Program. The objective of the guide is to formalize practices on the exercise of Global Internal Audit and Global Legal, Ethics, and Compliance to maintain the company’s Ethics & Compliance Program and the relevant ethics policies/procedures in line with the most updated regulations and generally accepted best business practice.
The Global Internal Audit unit of the Company ensures the maintenance of high level of effectiveness and efficiency of the company’s Ethics & Compliance Program by establishing formal practices to maintain the company’s Ethics & Compliance Program and the relevant ethics policies/procedures in line with the most updated regulations and generally accepted best business practice. Regular Ethics P&P review is undertaken to assess the Company’s ethics standards and principles, and the effectiveness of its processes, policies and procedures to promote such standards and principles across all levels of the Company, the effectiveness to present the risks associated with the fraud triangle.
Each year, as part of its audit planning, Global Internal Audit conducts a top-down risk assessment to ascertain these current business risks as a result of changes in organizations, business practices, and laws and regulations. All of the company’s operations are in the scope of annual risk assessment process.
Aligning with the Company’s risk strategy and appetite, an annual audit plan is developed to ensure sufficient audits are executed over significant risks while moderate and low risks may be assessed on a rotational basis. Such plans shall be continuously optimized to reflect the changing business risks as well as the Company’s appetite. Ethics Policies and Procedure Review shall be conjunct with the overall Global Internal Audit plan and leverage the cumulative audit knowledge obtained through the other current and prior audit projects. Such review shall be conducted, at a minimum, once every three years.
To access a copy of the Audit of Ethics Policy and Procedures, please click here.