Jollibee Group Launches Upgraded Ethics Hotline

MANILA, Philippines. September 1, 2022 – In line with the Jollibee Group’s goal to elevate and strengthen ethics and compliance in the organization, it has upgraded its existing ethics hotline from an internally monitored email address and mobile number, to an externally managed ethics reporting system with global reach and world-class capabilities, Integrity Counts of Whistleblower Security (a Canadian ethics reporting service company).
The Integrity Counts system can receive reports 24/7, from any of the regions where the Jollibee Group operates, in the whistleblower’s preferred language, and through the whistleblower’s preferred channel (web, email, or toll-free telephone number).
As with the previous ethics hotline of the Jollibee Group, whistleblower reports will be treated with confidentiality, and whistleblowers can choose to file reports anonymously; since the Integrity Counts system is managed externally, whistleblowers enjoy an added layer of anonymity, should this be their preference.
The Jollibee Group’s Global General Counsel and Ethics Head and Compliance Officer, Atty. Valerie Amante, shares the following statement: “This upgrade provides the Jollibee Group’s stakeholders with a convenient, accessible and secure way to report violations of the Jollibee Group’s Code of Business Ethics and related policies, in the manner that makes them feel most comfortable and safe. It is a testament to the JFC Group’s commitment to building a culture of ethics and compliance and upholding the Code of Business Ethics.”
In turn, the Jollibee Group is now able to access an efficient, world class, multi-lingual reporting intake and case management platform across our regions, with strong data analytics capabilities
Whistleblowers may file reports through any of the following channels:
Email: [email protected]
Toll Free Numbers:
Philippines – 1800 1 322 0363
United Kingdom – 0-800-092-3586
Italy – 00-800-2002-0033
Spain – 900 876 122
Vietnam – 120-85-2329
USA – 1-866-921-6714
Canada – 1-866-921-6714
China – 400-120-8514
Smashburger shall continue to receive reports though its current hotline’s channels provided below:
Email: [email protected] (must include company name with report)
English speaking USA and Canada: 844-640-0022 (not available from Mexico)
Spanish speaking North America: 800-216-1288
Fax alternative for written documents:
215- 689-3885 (must include company name with report)
Additional toll-free numbers shall be added in further announcements. Consistent with the Whistleblowing Policy of the Jollibee Group, whistleblowers who file reports in good faith are entitled to protection from retaliation in any form, including without limitation discrimination, harassment, unwarranted disciplinary action, or unfair dismissal. The company shall take appropriate action gainst anyone who initiates or threatens retaliation aginst those who have raised concerns under the Whistleblowing Policy, including without limitation disciplinary action and dismissal.
A copy of the Whistleblowing Policy can be accessed here.

MANILA, Philippines. September 1, 2022 – In line with the Jollibee Group’s goal to elevate and strengthen ethics and compliance in the organization, it has upgraded its existing ethics hotline from an internally monitored email address and mobile number, to an externally managed ethics reporting system with global reach and world-class capabilities, Integrity Counts of Whistleblower Security (a Canadian ethics reporting service company).
The Integrity Counts system can receive reports 24/7, from any of the regions where the Jollibee Group operates, in the whistleblower’s preferred language, and through the whistleblower’s preferred channel (web, email, or toll-free telephone number).
As with the previous ethics hotline of the Jollibee Group, whistleblower reports will be treated with confidentiality, and whistleblowers can choose to file reports anonymously; since the Integrity Counts system is managed externally, whistleblowers enjoy an added layer of anonymity, should this be their preference.
The Jollibee Group’s Global General Counsel and Ethics Head and Compliance Officer, Atty. Valerie Amante, shares the following statement: “This upgrade provides the Jollibee Group’s stakeholders with a convenient, accessible and secure way to report violations of the Jollibee Group’s Code of Business Ethics and related policies, in the manner that makes them feel most comfortable and safe. It is a testament to the JFC Group’s commitment to building a culture of ethics and compliance and upholding the Code of Business Ethics.”
In turn, the Jollibee Group is now able to access an efficient, world class, multi-lingual reporting intake and case management platform across our regions, with strong data analytics capabilities
Whistleblowers may file reports through any of the following channels:
Email: [email protected]
Toll Free Numbers:
Philippines – 1800 1 322 0363
United Kingdom – 0-800-092-3586
Italy – 00-800-2002-0033
Spain – 900 876 122
Vietnam – 120-85-2329
USA – 1-866-921-6714
Canada – 1-866-921-6714
China – 400-120-8514
Smashburger shall continue to receive reports though its current hotline’s channels provided below:
Email: [email protected] (must include company name with report)
English speaking USA and Canada: 844-640-0022 (not available from Mexico)
Spanish speaking North America: 800-216-1288
Fax alternative for written documents:
215- 689-3885 (must include company name with report)
Additional toll-free numbers shall be added in further announcements. Consistent with the Whistleblowing Policy of the Jollibee Group, whistleblowers who file reports in good faith are entitled to protection from retaliation in any form, including without limitation discrimination, harassment, unwarranted disciplinary action, or unfair dismissal. The company shall take appropriate action gainst anyone who initiates or threatens retaliation aginst those who have raised concerns under the Whistleblowing Policy, including without limitation disciplinary action and dismissal.
A copy of the Whistleblowing Policy can be accessed here.